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Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Presentation

Web Resources

Grounded Theory:

Grounded Theory Review is an open access journal with further examples of grounded theory in use but not just for interaction design. Grounded Theory Online has some useful tips and guidelines regarding grounded theory, but be aware that they also sell consultancy.

In these videos, two grounded theory experts talk about the method: Glaser and Kathy Charmaz

Introduction to Distributed Cognition:

This article provides more detail than the book, and is much more readable than Ed Hutchins' seminal text.

Special issue of Applied Ergonomics on Socio-technical Systems Theory This page links to a variety of articles on Socio-technical Systems Theory that appeared in the journal Applied Ergonomics. The special issue was a Festschrift in Honour of Ken Eason.

Qualitative data analysis tools:

A variety of tools exist to support qualitative data analysis. Atlasti and NVivo are both tools that support qualitative and mixed methods data analysis. Both can be explored free but licenses have to be purchased for long-term use.

Data presentation:

There are many articles on the web about presenting data, offering various tips and tricks to get the best out of the data you have. One aspect that is emphasised by many is that data should tell a story and support the conclusions, both points that are emphasised in Chapter 9. This short article from Forbes offers some simple tips for presenting data, including a short video on why pie charts are evil!

Statistical packages:

Most universities hold licenses for statistical packages such as SAS and SPSS. This website lists a range of statistical packages, with reviews -

Thematic Analysis:

Nielsen Norman have put together a straightforward set of steps for thematic analysis which is useful for those starting out with the technique.

Links provided in the book:

Confirmation Bias:

Introduction to R:

Affinity diagrams in interaction design:

An affinity diagram session:

Critical incident technique:

CAQDAS Networking Project:

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